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Tips Before You Invest In Photobooth Business

Tips Before You Invest In Photobooth Business

Photo Booth Business FAQs:

  • What are my financing options
  • What do I expect in the first couple of months

Why Buy the Business Package

So one of the main questions we always get from our customer is why should we get the business package? Well, here's the thing. And I've told this to a lot of customers before, okay. There's two types of customers. One, the first customers are current photo booth owners. And the second customer type is the newbies. These newbies are the ones that are wanting to get into the business and captured the market that they're in. See, a lot of these newbies are photographers. DJ's that doesn't own photo booth. Uh, some of them are caterers. Some of them are event planners. They know that every time they are at the event, someone else doing the photo booth and it's not them. So that means it's money coming out of their pocket. Okay. So a lot of the times they don't understand what it takes to actually, uh, get into the photo booth market. The idea is great. Don't get me wrong. The idea is good. It is always good when you want to scale your income. Okay? But the problem with that is you end up doing a lot of research when you don't know what you're doing. Okay? And that research is a loss of income. Imagine this, two months of research, but you've been telling your friends, you already have a photo booth, or you're going to get into the photobooth business. Every week on those months, your friends are saying, Hey, I got an event. Can you beat it? And you're saying, no, you're still doing your research. See the reason why you're doing that, the reason why you're turning down that business is simply because you don't have your research completed. You're going to YouTube. You're going to Google's when really it's really, really quite simple. If you're a newbie by the business package, there's a reason why we said business package. You're not buying any equipment. You're buying a business with that business comes, our support comes our experience. Believe us, before we got here, we were renting photobooths and we were dominating. Okay. Just like everyone else is doing it now. We choose to do this to help people scale their business, which used to be doing what we're doing to provide that experience that we've had from the past, and kind of help you along the way, kill that research and apply the Nike concept and just do it. Let's let us show you how the whole process works and have you focused in on really just making the money and not doing the poking around and doing the research it's it's too time consuming. So those are the two types of customers that we have. And that is the reason why you should, if you're a newbie, you should buy the business package. And if you're a current photo booth owners, let's go with the show. He already know what you're doing. All it is is you just got to put everything together. There is no need for us to walk you through the whole business process you're done with it. You're already making the money. It's a question of how much more money you want to make, and that is called scaling your business.

What are the Most Popular Models

Another one of our questions that we get from our customers is which photo booth, should we buy. Well, to answer that question, I first have to understand who you are. Are you a photographer? Are you a DJ? Are you a home stay mom who is bored, but have the finance to buy a business? Are you an event planner or catering? I need to identify who you are. So let me do this. If you are a photographer, I would extremely suggest the T11 2.5. Why? Because as a photographer, you can understand and can appreciate the picture quality of the umbrella being, it is more understanding for you versus a DJ who will say, you know what? I just need a  with a good quality. See, in my opinion, I'm not a photographer. In my opinion, all of the photo booth that we offer are all great. Okay? But based on our research, based on our analytics, the photographers tend to buy the photo booth more than anything else.  

And the DJs all tend to buy the T12 LED more than anything else. Now it's not to say that one is wrong than the other. It just means that it is in their comfort level. It is in their best interest to buy a certain design because of what they're familiar with. Both products generate well amount of income for them, both products help them scale their DJ business and their photography business or whatever business that you're getting into. Okay. There is no right or wrong of which product you buy. The main key is execution. You execute an idea on an idea that, you know, it's going to work for you and that it's going to generate you an income. Well, a lot of our customers that I get that are the phone calls that I get always wants to know whether or not we are RBA Photobooths, offer financing. Do we offer some sort of what kind of form of payments do we accept and where, you know, where is our customers, uh, located.  

What are my Financing Options

Any on how you want to approach your investment for your photo booth here at RBA Photobooths, we do accept credit cards, cash checks, and as well as offer financing, if you want to go that route, we offer financing through a third-party company that can help you get your investments together ASAP. So you can get started on your photo booth right away.

What do I expect in the first couple of months

And another question that we get quite often is, um, what can I expect in the first couple months of me owning the photo booth? A lot of our customers will buy a photo booth and they want to know what they can expect after they buy a photo booth. Well, it's very, very simple to be, to be honest with you, when you buy a photo booth, you rent them out. When you rent them out, you make money, essentially. That's all it is. You know, you go out there and you say yes to the money that comes your way. And within two months you break even the third month, pure profit. And the reason why I say pure profit is because unlike us, where it's product that we sell, you're selling service. There is no product exchange. Okay? So it's pure profit. Third month, second month you break even third month, you start making money. By the end of the year, you made income to scale your business three times four. So we hope we gave you a better understanding to what you're getting into. When you're investing into a photobooth business from RBA Photobooths. Uh, from our expertise to our knowledge, we hope that we can pass over to you when you're ready to invest. We definitely hope that we've at some sort of, at some point we've helped you solve some of the questions that's lingering in your mind. We will be coming out with more videos and hopefully you liked the videos that, um, we put out in here. And, uh, we do have a YouTube channel. We'd love you to come in there and watch some of our videos that we've put in there. We have put in an intensive amount of time to create those videos for you so that it's more real, it's more, it's more making money, less research. Okay. So here at RBA goodbye.
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